World Missions (NMI)
The Nazarene denomination has created the acronym NMI for use in referring to the missions program. The term NMI stands for Nazarene Missions International.
Since the founding of the denomination, officially October, 1908, world missions has continually been a priority. The Centralia Church of the Nazarene is no exception. Monthly mission lessons help the congregation to remain abreast of what is taking place around the globe. The members of the Centralia church are always looking for ways to positively influence both the local and global communities in which we live.
The idea of World Missions is rapidly changing within the Nazarene denomination, as it is in most Christian denominations. While a great deal of emphasis has historically been placed on sending missionaries into diverse world areas, the United States has now been classified as a mission field. The Nazarene church, while remaining committed to international missions, is developing a more unified approach in ministering to those in the United States as well as the world beyond her borders.
The Centralia Church of the Nazarene continues to utilize the educational materials and practices promoted by the denomination to enhance the local congregation's ability to be missionaries to their local community.